Brooke Monk Age: 22 years
Birth Date: January 31, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Current Age: 22 years, 1 months, and 7 days
Total Days Lived As on Today : 8071 days
Next Birthday: In 10 months and 23 days
Age in 2030: 27 years old
Height: 5 feet 5 inches (1.67 m)
About Brooke Monk
She is a very popular Internet Star and successful TikToker, known for her entertaining content.
She was 2003 in the U.S., she’s one of five siblings.
Brooke had a fun childhood filled with outdoor activities.
She started her first TikTok account in the late 2010s, posting plenty of comedy content like lip-syncs, memes, and funny moments from school.
She also loves to dance, and you can find many dance videos on her channel. Brooke has a YouTube channel that’s also popular, though not as big as her TikTok.
As of early 2024, she has over 31 million followers on TikTok.
She is a talented creator and one of the fastest-growing TikTokers ever.