How old is Cam Wilder?
Birth Date: October 5, 2000 Zodiac Sign: Libra Current Age: 24 years, 4 months, and 3 days Total Days Lived As on Today : 8892 days Next Birthday: In 7 months and 26 days Age in 2030: 30 years old Height: 6 feet 4 inchCam Wilder Age: 24 years
Who Is Cam Wilder?
Cam Wilder is a popular TikTok star known for his funny videos and amazing basketball skills.
His mix of humor and cool basketball tricks has brought him millions of fans, making him one of the top creators on TikTok.
A Love for Basketball from a Young Age
Cam was born in the U.S. in 2000. He grew up with his parents and sister, who he’s still close to. Basketball has been his big passion since he was a kid, and he always dreamed of becoming a pro player. He played on his high school and college teams and was one of the best players.
Success on TikTok and Future Goals
Cam started posting videos on TikTok, sharing both his love for comedy and basketball. People quickly noticed him, and now he has close to 6 million followers. He recently hired a manager and shared that he’d like to be a basketball coach in the future, adding to his bi
g dreams.