How old is Demitra Mia Kalogeras?
Birth Date: February 24, 2006 Zodiac Sign: Pisces Current Age: 19 years, 0 months, and 16 days Total Days Lived As on Today : 6956 days Next Birthday: In 11 months and 11 days Age in 2030: 24 years old Height: Demitra Mia Kalogeras Age: 19 years
Who is Demitra Mia Kalogeras?
She is a very popular creator on TikTok and social media.
She makes fun videos like dancing, lip-syncing to songs, and modelling to trending music.
People love her videos, and she has many followers on different social media platforms.
She is started posting videos on TikTok in 2022, and her fan base quickly grew.
In November 2023, one of her videos became super popular, getting over 6 million views.
She also models for famous brands like EMMIOL and has more than 5 million followers.
Her Life and Family
She has two sisters named Eliana and Sunday, and they all have a YouTube channel called the Kalogeras Sisters.
Sometimes, their dad appears in their videos.
She is proud of her Greek heritage. She once did a lip-sync performance to a song by rapper Flo Milli.