How old is Sierra Rain?
Birth Date: December 11, 2003 Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Current Age: 21 years, 3 months, and 3 days Total Days Lived As on Today : 7764 days Next Birthday: In 8 months and 26 days Age in 2030: 27 years old Height: 5 feet 7 inches (1.73 m) Sierra Rain Age: 21 years
Sierra is a popular TikTok star known for sharing funny memes, lip-syncs, and dance videos.
She often wears swimwear in her fun videos, and with over 3.5 million followers, she’s become a true social media star.
She joined TikTok in April 2022, with one of her first videos showing her relaxing on the beach.

Sierra Rain Spider Man Video
Sierra has posted TikToks in a shiny Spider-Man suit and a Tinker Bell costume from Disney.
There’s even one where she lip-syncs to a fast Kendrick Lamar song her videos are super entertaining.
Her sister, Sophie Rain, is also into modeling and creating content, and they’ve made videos together.
Sierra’s TikToks often feature songs like Doja Cat’s “Demons” and NLE Choppa’s “It’s Getting Hot.”