How old is Sukihana?
Sukihana Age: 33 years
Birth Date: November 15, 1991
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Current Age: 33 years, 2 months, and 19 days
Total Days Lived As on Today : 12135 days
Next Birthday: In 9 months and 10 days
Age in 2030: 39 years old
Height: 5 feet 1 inch
Who is Sukihana?
She was born in Wilmington, Delaware on 15.11.1991.
She is also called as Destiny Lanette Henderson. Â
Her mom name is Lori Lee, and her dad was Alex Wright, who passed away when she was young.
She was raised by her mom and stepdad, Demond Foreman.
Growing up, she had a lot of different experiences that helped her become the unique person she is today.
She got famous in the year 2010 with a fun video she made called Kodak Snack, based on a song by rapper Kodak Black.
She later moved to Atlanta and then Florida, where she started posting videos on Instagram and YouTube.
Music and Family Life
In the year 2020 she started her music career and released her first hip-hop mixtape.
By November 2023, she had over 1.5 million Instagram followers and about 2 million YouTube subscribers.