How old is Taj Cross?
Taj Cross Age: 20 years
Birth Date: February 11, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Current Age: 20 years, 11 months, and 21 days
Total Days Lived As on Today : 7663 days
Next Birthday: In 0 months and 7 days
Age in 2030: 26 years old
Height: 5 feet 4 inch
About Taj Cross
He was born on February 11, 2004, in Venice, California.
His mother name is Christena Karras and father name is Jake Cross, and he has an older sister named Camille.
Taj’s mom, Christena, owns a design studio called Studio Karras in Venice and also performs on stage.
When Taj was younger, his parents got divorced, and later his mom married a man named CJ Bonura.
Taj finished high school in June 2019 and trained in acting and dancing at several studios.
He still lives in Venice with his mom, stepdad, and sister.
He started as a painter before becoming an actor and dancer.
While learning to dance, he performed in theater shows like Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid.
He became well-known for playing Sam on Hulu’s comedy series PEN15, where he acted with popular actors Maya Erskine, Anna Konkle, and Melora Walters.
When he was 14 years old, he first appeared in PEN15, which ran from February 8, 2019, to December 3, 2021.
More Info
Taj is 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs about 117 pounds.
He has black hair, brown eyes, and a dog named Mocha.
His character on PEN15 is based on the life of one of the show’s writers, Sam Zablowski.
Since joining the show, Taj has gained many fans as both an actor and dancer.