Woo Wop Age, Height (2024)

How old is Woo Wop?

Woo Wop Age: 9 years

Birth Date: January 10, 2016

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Current Age: 9 years, 0 months, and 24 days

Total Days Lived As on Today : 3312 days

Next Birthday: In 11 months and 6 days

Age in 2030: 14 years old

Height: Updated Soon


Who is Woo Wop?

His real name is William John Wright Jr.

His father’s name is DuB Bridge and Mother name is Brittany Jones.

He is a young internet star who became famous from the YouTube channel, DuB Family.

He was born in the year 2016 in the United States and is part of a family full of popular YouTubers.



He owning a YouTube channel, which is managed by his parents from when he was just 1 year old.

In the year 2024, he already having more than1.5 million followers on YouTube.

He also famous in Instagram he is having 300,000 fans on Instagram.


Projects and Fans

He often joins his dad in videos and sometimes appears on other family members channels.

Even though he is still very young, he has fans from all over the world who enjoy watching him online.

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