How old is Ytb Fatt?
Ytb Fatt Age: 23 years
Birth Date: May 28, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Current Age: 23 years, 9 months, and 12 days
Total Days Lived As on Today : 8686 days
Next Birthday: In 2 months and 18 days
Age in 2030: 29 years old
Height: 5 feet 7 inch
He is also called as Cavon Paige, was born in West Memphis, Arkansas.
He is an American rapper and music artist of African American descent and follows Christianity.
He is signed to Collective Music Group (CMG) and has collaborated with acts like
Moneybagg Yo.
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He is known for popular singles like
Vanish Mode,
No Lover Boy
Had to Do It.
His debut album, Who Is Fatt? was followed by his latest release, On Zai.
With a net worth of $2.5 million, he shares updates and connects with fans on Instagram under the handle [@ytbfatt]