How old is Zahide Yetis?
Zahide Yetis Age: 45 years
Birth Date: July 7, 1979
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Current Age: 45 years, 6 months, and 29 days
Total Days Lived As on Today : 16650 days
Next Birthday: In 5 months and 1 days
Age in 2030: 51 years old
Height: 5 feet 7 inches (1.74 m)
About Zahide Yetis
A Turkish TV host and presenter, she is known for her work on the TRT, ATV, and Show TV networks.
She is especially recognized for hosting the shows My Doctor and Zahide and Yetis Hayata.
She graduated from Dokuz Eylul University with a degree in Sales Management and Business Administration.
She began her hosting career in 2009 with the Kanal D network, then joined the ATV network in 2015.
More Information
She is also an author, with books like
Life is Whispering to You!
Hey! We Also Support You!
She has over 70,000 followers on her ZahideYetis X account.
She married Cem Arisoy in 2014, and they have a child together.
In December 2018, she posted a photo with famous Turkish singer Emel Sayin on Instagram.